beneficiary: the address of which all interest collected from principal deposits are sent to. could be a single address, or a contract address that oversees additional distribution logic.
moneymarket: the address of the Anchor money market contract to accept deposits.
atoken: the address of the aUST token contract.
stable_denom: base Terra stablecoin denomination of this pool to be deposited to Anchor, i.e. uusd.
dp_token: the address of the DP token contract minted by this pool.
Defines logic entry points for InitMsg, HandleMsg and QueryMsg calls.
Defines QueryMsg endpoints. Calls the following functions per QueryMsg:
DepositAmountOf { owner } : calls deposit_amount(deps, owner) defined under; returns the current DP token balance of the sender of this message.
TotalDepositAmount {} : calls total_deposit_amount(deps) defined under; returns the total DP token balanced linked to this pool contract.
Config {} : calls config(deps) defined under handler/; returns the following:
beneficiary: returns the current beneficiary address set for this pool contract.
moneymarket: returns the Anchor money market contract set for this pool contract to call for deposit_stable and redeem_stable messages. For further information regarding logic of the Anchor money market, please refer to Anchor Protocol's official documentation.
stable_denom: returns the current Terra stablecoin denomination that the underlying Anchor money market contract accepts.
anchor_token: returns the aToken contract address that the underlying Anchor money market contract returns on deposits.
dp_token: returns the DP token contract address minted by this pool contract on new deposits.
GetClaimableReward {} : calls claimable_reward(deps) defined under; returns all claimable UST rewards for all UST deposits held by this pool.
Defines core contract execution logic. Functions are as follows:
receive: defines a CW-20 token contract receive hook, which is executed when a Pylon DP token is sent to this Pylon pool.
deposit: deposits UST to this Pylon pool, deposits them to Anchor, and mints Pylon DP tokens back to the depositor.
redeem: consecutively called on a CW-20 receive call. Burns received DP tokens, retrieves equivalent amounts of UST from Anchor, and returns principal UST deposits excluding any interest generated.
claim_reward: claims any remaining interest remaining in the pool, and sends them over to the beneficiary address. Interest is calculated as (total_aust_amount * exchange_rate) - (total_dp_balance)
register_dp_token: registers a DP token contract controlled by this Pylon deposit pool for new DP token mints/burns on deposits/redemptions.
pub fn receive<S: Storage, A: Api, Q: Querier>(
deps: &Extern<S, A, Q>,
env: Env,
cw20_msg: Cw20ReceiveMsg,
) -> StdResult<HandleResponse> {
let sender = env.message.sender.clone();
if let Some(msg) = cw20_msg.msg {
match from_binary(&msg)? {
Cw20HookMsg::Redeem {} => {
// only asset contract can execute this message
let config: config::Config = config::read(&;
if deps.api.canonical_address(&sender)? != config.dp_token {
return Err(StdError::unauthorized());
redeem(deps, env, cw20_msg.sender, cw20_msg.amount)
} else {
"Invalid request: \"redeem\" message not included in request",
If a CW-20 transfer to this contract includes a Redeem {}Cw20HookMsg:
checks if the sender of this HookMsg is the registered DP token address (i.e. not any other token contract address being sent to this pool) - return unauthorized() error if not, else continue
if passed, call redeem(deps, _env, cw20_msg.sender, cw20_msg.amount)
If a Redeem {} message is not included with this function call, return an invalid_request error.
Sending native Terra stablecoins (UST) with this MsgExecuteContract call:
Check how much deposits have been made to this pool contract for stable_denom.
If there are no deposits, return a generic_err.
Issue a HandleResponse issuing the following messages:
call deposit_stable from the Anchor money market contract for deposit_amount units of stable_denom(e.g. 100 UST). aUST will be returned from the Anchor money market contract to this pool contract.
issue another MsgExecuteContract call that mints deposit_amount units of Pylon DP tokens for this particular pool to the caller.
Query the current epoch_state from the Anchor money market.
Calculate how much aUST needs to be redeemed back to UST to maintain principle: dp_token_balance / epoch_state.exchange_rate
Calculate how much Terra tax is charged during redemptions. As tax is charged for every Terra stablecoin MsgSends on the Terra blockchain, deduct_tax should be called twice, as there are two cases when Terra tax is charged for UST transfers during redemptions:
when UST is transferred from the Anchor money market to this Pylon pool contract
when UST is transferred from this Pylon pool contract to the user's wallet
Issue a HandleResponse containing the following messages:
burn amount units of DP tokens for this Pylon pool.
redeem market_redeem_amount aUST (calculated as dp_token_balance / epoch_state.exchange_rate) for pool_redeem_amount UST.
MsgSends pool_redeem_amount back to the caller of this contract
calculate how much aUST should be redeemed: (total_aust_amount * exchange_rate) - (total_dp_balance)
apply a virtual exchange rate queryable from the PylonExchange Rate contract. This effectively re-calculates how much UST should be claimed excluding MINE token buybacks, which is sent to the Collector contract.
calculates how much UST should be redeemed for:
market_redeem_amount : amount of aUST for redemptions before Terra blockchain tax for both beneficiary and collector. returns Uint256.
beneficiary_redeem_amount : amount of aUST for redemptions after Terra blockchain tax for beneficiary. returns a Coin object.
collector_redeem_amount : amount of aUST for redemptions after Terra blockchain tax for collector, sent to the Collector contract for buybacks. returns a Coin object.
Issue a HandleResponse that includes the following messages:
update virtual exchange rate
redeem market_redeem_amount aUST from Anchor
send beneficiary_redeem_amount to beneficiary account
send collector_redeem_amount to Collector contract